If you're following the Family First Act, you've undoubtely heard about the "Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse" (the Clearinghouse). Yet, you may not know exactly what the Clearinghouse is and/or what it's for.  In a short answer: The Clearinghouse is tasked with rating programs and services to be reimbursed through the Family First Act. But there's more to it than that! Keep reading for more information on where the Clearinghouse came from, what it does, and why it matters. 

Where did it come from? The Clearinghouse was established by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

What does the Clearinghouse do?

  • Systematically reviews research and evaluations on programs and services intended to provide enhanced support to children and families and prevent foster care placements
    • All programs and services reviewed fall into one of the following categories: Mental health services, substance abuse prevention and treatment services, in-home parent skill-based programs, and kinship navigator programs
  • Rates programs and services as well-supported, supported, or promising practices, in accordance with statutory requirements

Why does it matter? 

  • Programs and services must receive a rating from the Prevention Services Clearinghouse to be eligible for funding under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act as amended by the Family First Prevention Services Act
  • When states present prevention plans, they have to use programs/services already rated by the Clearinghouse
    • States can request to receive transitional payments for specific evidenced based services and programs that have yet to be rated by the Clearinghouse

For more information on the Clearinghouse, check out these resources:

FamilyFirstAct.org Resource: Clearinghouse WebsiteProvides information on the Clearinghouse, including an overview of what's on the website! We suggest saving the link for future reference and easy access. 

Implementing the Family First Prevention Services Act - A GuideIncludes important information on the Prevention Services Clearinghouse

Title IV-E Prevention ProgramProvides important information on the Family First Act and the Prevention Services Clearinghouse