Reforming Child Welfare Through a Three-Branch Approach: A Toolkit for Success from the National Governors Association, the National Conference of State Legislatures and Casey Family Programs. A three-branch approach takes an intentional step back from governing as usual toward improving outcomes for children and families as a shared objective of all three branches of government. Each branch of state government plays an important role in establishing the framework for child welfare policy and practice. Each branch must fully engage in the approach and understand the role of the other branches to ensure strong collaboration.

While three branch is about a way of doing business in general, and not about one particular project or a legislation implementation effort, Family First provides a great opportunity to use a three branch approach to begin or enhance planning for improved outcomes for children and families. Several states using a three-branch approach to Family First implementation including Virginia, Oregon, and Vermont. This toolkit will help state leaders:
* Build the core elements of their three-branch approach.
* Launch a three-branch approach.
* Create a strategic plan.
* Proactively address challenges before they arise.
* Learn from other state examples and case studies.

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